
Weekly Newsletter – 11th August, 2024

 Our AGM was held on Saturday, with the current committee being re-elected. The office bearers are Barrie Isaac (president), Chicka Thompson (vice president), Dave Napper (secretary), Tony Austin (treasurer) and committee members Rod Quirk, Frank Raczka, John Smith and Andrew Richards. Gary Cheers, Frank Raczka and Stewart Rogan were elected as selectors.

Chicka Thompson was elected as a Life Member for his passion, dedication and ongoing service to the club. He has been such a devoted servant to the club, and an all around top bloke! Congratulations for this well deserved accolade.

Chicka Thompson awarded Life Membership

Wednesday Social Bowls saw Allan Holmes, Keith Collins and Phil Collins play great bowls to take out the top prize. The Runners Up were Dave Wagstaff, Daryle Barr and Ian Poole. Voucher winners were Frank Raczka, Darren Darcy, Peter Laing and Bruce Gornall.

In the Friday Jackpot Triples, the jackpot money stayed safely in Treasurer Tony’s pocket. The Rink Winners were Bill O’Donnell, Jeff Wylie and Terry Duff. The Runners Up were Chicka Thompson, Terry Miles and Mick Stuttard.  Lucky Voucher Winners were Warren Barnes, Steve (Raffles) McGregor, Ian Hodgkinson and John Smith.

Travelling Bowlers saw Kew hosting Taree West. Over 70 bowlers enjoyed a great day of bowls and food. Its great to see so many people have a fantastic time.

We’ve launched our very own website, providing information for existing and prospective members. Details of regular events, championships, history, honour boards, and other useful information is provided. Take a look at

Bowls this week include Wednesday Social and Saturday Cashpot Triples, names in by 11.30 for a 12.30 start (mufti dress).