
In 1983, discussions commenced to build a Bowling Green at the (then) Camden Haven Golf Club. Initially, the proposal wasn’t taken seriously, but Herb Burgess drove it forward, and placed a proposal before the Board of Directors. A special meeting was called and it was agreed to proceed. To obtain finance, an application was filed on 20th September 1983, with the Dept of Leisure and Sports for a grant. A committee was formed to oversea the development, which was led by Leon Lawrence. 

In June 1984, Bruce Watts driving his vintage bulldozer commenced excavating the green. Herb Burgess and the construction volunteers agreed on the importance of drainage, and designed a herringbone drainage design, that still operates today. Considering that all labour was volunteered. machinery begged, borrowed or freely supplied with driver, it was a great effort by all.

Deciding on the variety of grass to use was a big decision. Pat Trotter, a retired green-keeper, sourced Tiff Dwarf drillings from Wauchope, and transferred them to the Kew Green. This was completed in November 1984.

In August 1985, the founding members of the Bowling Club held their inaugural meeting to elect the executives and committee. The following officers were elected:

  • President: Bruce Watts
  • Vice President: Bob Knox
  • Sec/Treasurer: Bill Pickering
  • Committee: Leon Lawrence, Barry Isaac, John Turnbull, Jack Kelly

It is amazing to consider that today, Barrie Isaac continues to serve the club as President.

In September 1985, a Ladies Bowling Section was formed, led by Faye Knox (president), Joan Turnbull (secretary), and Phyllis Barron (treasurer).

On the 22nd September 1985, the Grand Opening of the Bowling Green occurred. The opening was performed by Jack Ball (President of NSW Bowling Association), and a plaque was fixed to the wall of the club house to commemorate  the event. In September 1986, the plaque was moved to its present location.

The first year of bowls was 1986, with 16 Lady Bowlers and 22 Men Bowlers. The Men fielded their first Pennant Team in 1986 in Grade 5, missing the District Flag by half a point. In the same year, Barrie Isaac won the district Singles Champion of Champions.

Barrie Isaac – 1986 District Singles Champion of Champions

Kew Bowling Club is a club rich in history, that was formed by a group of passionate volunteers. This passion continues today, and we can consider ourselves one of the most successful bowling clubs, which is famed as “the friendly club”.

Year Books providing details of the Office Bearers and Club Championship Results, are listed below. Click on the links to access the Year Books:

Year Book – 2023

Year Book – 2022

Year Book – 2021

Year Book – 2020

Year Book – 2015-19

For Honour Board for each of the following, please click on the links below:

Executive Committee

Mens Singles Champions

Mens Pairs Champions

Mixed Pairs Champions