Bowls Australia
News (General)

AGM Minutes


Saturday 10th August 2024.

Present: as per attendance sheet

Apologies:  Paul Cini, John Hilton, Warren Barnes, Peter Griffith.

Meeting opened: 10.05 am

SECRETARYs REPORT: The minutes of the 2023  meeting were distributed.

Moved: Brian Charters Seconded: John O’Neill.

Matters Arising: NIL.

PRESIDENTS REPORT: (Copy attached)

Moved:  Barrie Isaac Seconded:  Brian Charters

Treasurer’s Report: (Copy attached)

Noted that the out of pocket expenses for 2024/2025 were adjusted to reflect the current situation.

Moved:  Tony Austin Seconded:  Chicka Thompson.

Positions declared vacant and the ELECTION OF NEW COMMITTEE takes place.

The results of the club elections for 2024/2025 are as follows.

President: Barrie Isaac (65595225/ 0436126660)

 Vice President: Chicka Thompson (65590248/0423787325)

 Secretary: Dave Napper  (65597390/0422593160)

 Treasurer: Tony Austin (65599198)

 Bowls Organiser: Frank Raczka ( 0417698899)

 Committee: Andrew Richards, John Smith, Rod Quirk.  

Selectors: Garry Cheers, Frank Raczka, Stuart Rogan.

 CONTROLLING BODY/ MATCH COMMITTEE of Kew Mens Bowling Club to be set as the President, The Vice President and the Bowls coordinator. Other affiliated members may be asked to assist as required.

Flag bearer: Adrian Hilton, Ray Allen.

Welfare Officer: Chicka Thompson, Adrian Hilton, Brian Charters.

Publicity Officer: Andrew Richards, Peter Laing.


President Barrie presented Charles (Chicka ) Thompson with LIFE MEMBERSHIP for Kew Mens Bowling Club. The announcement was well received by all present.

The AGM was officially closed and President Barrie opened a Club GENERAL Meeting:

  • Andrew Richards gave a very informative presentation regarding the Club’s publicity including the new Web page.
  • Howard Burrows requested an update regarding the progress of the amalgamation of the Kew Mens and womens clubs. Tony Austin responded and explained that progress has stalled at present until further information is receive from Bowls NSW.
  • Ian Poole suggested that the Runner up prize money on a Wednesday be reduced to $10 and another raffle prize be given in its stead.  To be considered by committee.
  • Stuart Rogan suggested that the fee for Wednesday bowls be increased to $15 , which would include a raffle ticket. This was favourably received by the meeting. To be considered  by committee.
  • Howard Burrows suggested that the start time for bowls be 1pm instead of 12.30pm. Discussion took place amongst members. To be considered by committee.

Meeting closed:  11pm.